Together we have created a microalgae production company serving the feed production industry, a provider of protein and fatty acids. The company is building industrial-scale production facilities to produce microalgae to be included in poultry and aquaculture feed.
Demand for proteins dramatically increasing.
Supply of sustainable feed and food will be the differentiating factor in the market.
AlgeNatura has the proven technology for volume production of sustainable protein source.
AlgeNatura has the competence to build and run industrial assets.
Successful pilot phase and public support provide reduced risk.
Microalgae can be a sustainable part of feed as they can substitute other sources of protein, vitamins, Omega-3, and other nutrients.
Microalgae is a natural part of the wild fish diet and is the basis for Omega-3 (DHA and EPA) and an alternative to fish oil.
Red microalgae are vital for antioxidants and the red color of salmon.
Continuous screening of new microalgae strains to identity possible new products.
Our product portfolio – nutrient content tuned to feed optimization and differentiation